Baker Academic

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I Have Accepted a Position at United Theological Seminary - Le Donne

I have some very exciting news to share. Exciting to me, at least. I have accepted a position at United Theological Seminary to teach New Testament. My family and I will be moving to the Dayton, OH area this summer to begin in the fall term. I am looking forward to working alongside a stellar and gracious faculty at one of the largest and fastest growing seminaries in the UMC.

For those readers who have followed this blog for a few years now, you may recall that United Theological Seminary co-sponsored (with University of Dayton) the conference related to this book. This conference might have otherwise been untenable. Chris Keith and I were deeply grateful for the hospitality shown to us in Dayton. I should mention here that Joel Watts (a former student at United) went to bat for us. I don’t doubt that his efforts planted the seeds necessary for the 2012 conference and my recent good news. May his beard grow ever longer.

It has become clear to me that United is a place that values collegiality and academic freedom. These two qualities are becoming quite rare in the world of higher learning. Moreover, United’s continued investment in social justice was very attractive to me as I was weighing my options. All in all, I think that after (the better part of) ten years on the job market, I’ve found a home.

I will also take this opportunity to say that United boasts some of the best graduate-level online and hybrid courses in the field. I will continue to teach online and invite you to consider my course offerings at United. If you live in the Dayton area, I invite you to consider my brick-and-mortar classes where we will discuss Run–D.M.C., "Welcome Back, Kotter," good films by M. Night Shyamalan, the "Third Quest," and other old skool topics.

One last word on a serious note: I know all too well that there are hundreds of unemployed and (worse) underemployed scholars out there. I know well the feeling that comes from watching yet another job cycle pass by with disappointment and depression. My present joy has not wiped away my experiences—as unemployed, as adjunct, and as undervalued employee—of institutional dysfunction over the last decade. I know that those of you who have suffered most do so silently or in hushed commiseration. I offer no consolation to you who continue to be undervalued and abused. The problems are real and getting worse. I only offer understanding.



  1. Congratulations! I hope we can occasionally meet up, given that you'll be less than 2 hours away from Indianapolis!

  2. Congratulations, Anthony! Let me know when UTS gets a PhD program up and running and I'll be the first to sign up to study under you!

  3. Happy for you, sorry to see you leave the area. But always rooting for you.

  4. Woo-hoo - big congrats! Good folks at UTS.

  5. Congratulations! You've discovered good films by M. Night Shyamalan?

    1. Yes, they were discovered by an anonymous collector and date from the eighth century. Alas, they are all in Coptic with English interlinear subtitles.


    2. I've still got questions about their "authenticity".

      What criteria would Chris suggest I use?

    3. The criterion of Shyamalanarity.

  6. That's exciting news. Congratulations. Very happy for you.

  7. Congratulations, my friend. Very happy for you and UTS.

  8. I'm very happy for you teacher. I value your aim to academic freedom. It is for freedom He has set us free. The two classes I took with you and Dr Keith was one of the best of my academic years. I value you and the heart you have for your stidents. This is an answer of prayer. Congratulations ;-)
    Danielle Cerqueira

  9. great to hear this news. As one who has followed your situation, and to a degree has shared your experiences as unemployed and also "undervalued employee," I take great satisfaction in the report of your appointment. All the best.

  10. This is really great news, Anthony! I'm delighted to hear it.

  11. Great news! But are there trees in Ohio to hug?

  12. Congratulations, Anthony. So pleased to hear. And loved the poignant closing -- very greatly appreciated.

  13. Anthony, you're moving to my locale. Let's do a Dayton Dragons game sometime.

  14. Welcome to the best seminary in the world!
