Friday, October 30, 2015

The “Memory Approach” in Early Christianity 6.3—Chris Keith

The most recent issue of Early Christianity (6.3) is dedicated to the "memory approach."  It contains an editorial from Jens Schroeter and essays from Alan Kirk, Eric Eve, David du Toit, and me.  My contribution is part one of a two-part article, "Social Memory Theory and Gospels Research: The First Decade" and was my inaugural lecture at St Mary's in October of 2013.  I'm glad to see it published, and part two will be in the next issue.

Current Issue

Early Christianity (EC) Volume 6, Number 3, 2015
Jens Schröter, Jesus and Memory: The Memory Approach in Current Jesus Research; pp. 277-284(8)
New Discoveries
Jürgen Hammerstaedt, Neue Entdeckungen zur epikureischen Inschrift des Diogenes von Oinoanda; pp. 379-403(25)
New Books
New Books; pp. 407-442(36)


  1. Very, very good. Well done, Chris.

  2. And now, if I can only sort out what is happening on my library website so I can read them. The catalogue is currently telling me that this e-Journal is held on the shelves on another campus! :-)

  3. With the help of a librarian who gave me a workaround for the access problem, I was able to get to this issue and it's fantastic!! I was a tad non-plussed by the fact that Jens Schröter's editorial with the English title is actually in German, but a whole edition full of worthwhile papers!! Thanks for pointing it out Chris.
