Tuesday, October 20, 2015

NEW FEATURE: "Just Ask James"

Ever wonder why Jesus praises the faith of women in Mark while the men all look like dunderheads? Just ask James. Ever wonder what Jesus really meant when he referred to a "son of man"? Just ask James. Ever wonder why Christian scholars use phrases like Jesus was "fiercely Jewish"? Just ask James. Ever wonder why MSWord autocorrect wants to render "Crossley" as "cross-eyed"? Just ask James.

Does Dr. James Crossley know everything about Jesus and Jesus scholars? Truly, only James knows what he knows. The only way for us to access this knowledge is to Just ask James.

Given the limitless possibilities, the Jesus Blog is adding a new feature called "Just Ask James." Here is how it works. Email James at this address:


Feel free to ask James anything about Jesus then or now. He will pick a question to answer with real words on this here blog!

James will be particularly interested in questions about the historical Jesus, historical Jesus research, or Jesus as an ideological construct in modern political thought. Like I said: then or now. This doesn't mean that James won't entertain questions about why he doesn't like Queen (one of the best bands ever); it's just more likely that you'll get your question answered if it's in his wheelhouse.

So go ahead:  Just ask James.