Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Crowd Sourcing: Themes in Jesus Research

I'm attempting to compile a list of themes/topics that have received attention in Jesus research over the last thirty years. What am I missing?

Jesus and the Cross
 Jesus the Kingdom Preacher
 Jesus the Exorcist
 Jesus the Healer
 Jesus the Debater
 Jesus’ Family
 Jesus and Jerusalem
 Jesus and Woman
 Jesus and the Twelve
 Jesus the Sign Prophet
 Jesus the Storyteller
 Jesus and the Temple
 Jesus’ Trial
 Jesus’ and the Spirit
 Jesus and Purity
 Jesus and New Exodus
 Jesus and Scripture
 Jesus and the Last Supper
 Jesus and the Empty Tomb
 Jesus and Prayer
 Jesus and Self-Understanding
 Jesus and Rome
 Jesus and Nonviolence
 Jesus’ Birth


  1. I'm not sure the extent to which either of these themes have been consistent parts of academic research, but just in case:
    - Jesus and antisemitism
    - Jesus as militant (or Jesus and violence in his name)

  2. Off the top of my head:
    Jesus and Galilee
    Jesus and archaeology
    - Jordan Ryan

  3. Related to Purity: Jesus and Honour and Shame

  4. Law, Parables (deserves a category beyond Storyteller...?), Conflict, "self-awareness" (or: Christology), Galilee, economics, "table fellowship"*


    * denotes phrases I don't like

  5. Hard to say, some topics in your list imply others..
    However, something is missing. I may propose:

    Jesus and John the Baptist;
    Jesus the itinerant Cynic preacher;
    Jesus the Galilean Shaman;
    Jesus the Wisdom Sage;
    Jesus the social-political revolutionary;
    Jesus the Messiah / Son Of Man;
    Jesus the Zealot;
    Jesus and Brian (of Nazareth);
    Jesus and the Scribal Elite ;-)


  6. Jesus and the Torah surely is a specific topic.

  7. Jesus and the God of Israel
    Jesus the son of man
    Jesus the high priest
    Jesus the apocalyptic prophet
    Jesus and Judaism
    Jesus and Jewish apocalypticism
    Jesus and eschatology
    Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls
    Jesus and the Teacher of Righteousness
    Jesus as sage
    Jesus and the Jewish sects (Pharisees, Saducees, Essenes, etc.)
    Jesus and Paul
    Jesus and John the baptiser
    Jesus and the language (Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew)
    last but not least, Jesus and Brian...

  8. Currently reading "Jesus the Jew"--maybe for the list?

  9. Thanks, folks. This has been very helpful.


  10. These don't fit quite so neatly into the "Jesus and..." formula, but what about the discussion that Chris' "Jesus' Literacy" is part of? And the discussion about oral transmission/human memory that Bauckham's "Jesus and the Eyewitnesses" is part of?

  11. And Jesus and Myth?

    Jesus and his redactors.

  12. GOSSIP and JESUS in JOHN, Oh My!
    Here's a review of my book in RBL:


  13. Jesus and Exile (e.g. N.T. Wright and his interlocutors)
