Friday, January 31, 2014

Do you Go in for Some Variation of the "Sayings Source" Hypothesis?

In assessing the Synoptic Gospels, do you tend toward a "Q" solution or not? Or simplified, "Do You Q?" For this week's poll, the Jesus Blog is hosting an almost scientifickish survey.  If you solve your Synoptic Problem using some theory of a sayings source (oral or otherwise) shared by Matthew and Luke, vote yes. If you solve your Synoptic Problem some other way, vote no.

If you'd like to see the discussion that prompted this topic, see Chris' post here.

For the record: Chris doesn't Q. But I do. We are a house divided.


On the early returns of this poll, see my comments here.


  1. I hypothesize some sort of sayings source, used by Matt and Luke along with Mark.

  2. Funny, all the comments made in the last few days seem to have disappeared from this post...

    1. Evan, the original post was accidentally deleted. This post is actually a new URL as the previous one (and its comments) cannot be recovered.

    2. Oh no. That means my joke about the we British Q-ing is now lost. Sigh.

      Mind you, that may not be a bad thing

  3. I don't believe in Q, unless by "Q" you mean "The Gospel of Matthew."

  4. Everyone knows that Q is completely fictional, and by that I mean a completely fictional character on Stat Trek the Next Generation.

    So where is the poll?

    1. ...and you thought Star Trek was geeky; just wait till you watch "Stat Trek".

      Robert, the poll should display at the top of our webpage, directly under the Baker Academic banner.

