Monday, May 15, 2017

Bauckham Second Edition Giveaway!—Chris Keith

Richard Bauckham's pot-stirring and thought-provoking landmark study, Jesus and the Eyewitnesses, is now out in a second edition from Eerdmans.  Those good folks at Eerdmans have decided to do a giveaway of one free copy to a reader of the Jesus Blog.  We haven't done a giveaway in a bit, so here are the rules.  You can enter by (1) leaving a comment, (2) sharing on social media and leaving a comment saying you did, (3) signing up to follow the blog and leaving a comment saying you did, and (4) a wild card entry.  The wild card entry will be SBL-themed.  You can leave a comment stating any of the following:  your favorite thing about SBL; your least-favorite thing about SBL; how you describe SBL to people who don't know what it is; why you will never miss or never go to SBL; what lie you tell people about on the plane on the way to SBL; how many drinks you had with Anthony Le Donne at the last SBL.

We'll leave the giveaway open for a bit and then announce the winner based on the comments.

[UPDATE: This book will be released in the UK at the end of June and distributed by Alban Books.  Their link for the book is here.]


  1. A second edition Bauckham- sounds like an instant classic!

  2. Drinks with Anthony at SBL is but a reconstructed memory of my historically situated consciousness; it's unclear if eye witnesses can say otherwise, mostly because they probably had a drink or two, too... if I remember correctly.

  3. I'd love to ... eyewitness ... that book on my bookshelf. I'll show myself out.

  4. Shared on the Twitterverse.

  5. I'd love to go to SBL, but not being attached to an employer who will pay my way, I'd need to take out a second mortgage to do so. So I'll just keep looking on in jealousy from afar (and going to the smaller regional conferences).

  6. Already signed up, shared on Wordpress, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn...

  7. I shared about the giveaway on Twitter:

  8. Shared on Facebook

  9. Well, the reason I'd like the second edition is to see how he responds to the criticisms of the first: particularly those where his "eyewitness" testimony had been critiqued as less dependable than he takes it to be, and where (particularly on the fourth gospel) he's been accused of special pleading.

  10. I own the first edition and would love to have the second.

    As to SBL, it annoys me that hey have closed off RBL to non-members.

  11. I have shared on social media (If my memory holds true [that's not a social-memory joke of any kind, but a phrase that is meant to be understood without special terminological precision in this case] 0 drinks with Anthony at last SBL unfortunately)

  12. Charles GoldsmithMay 15, 2017 at 5:24 PM

    I bought the first edition about five years ago and enjoyed every word on every page. I have read the reviews on this edition and I have put this book in my Amazon wishlist to buy at a later date. I can't wait to read the three new chapters and any other updates.

  13. I'd love to read this. I follow the blog through Feedly. I predict I'll never make it to SBL because my life is too busy.

    Also shared on Facebook

  14. I already follow this wonderful blog, and have done so for a long time.

  15. I've seen just how thick this book is, and it looks excellent!

  16. Least-favorite thing about SBL: All the bloody Americans.

  17. What is SBL? My head hurts.

    Peter Culbert

  18. Free book? Yes please! Free book by Bauckham? YES PLEASE!!!

  19. I loved SBL—great people and great conversations. Plus you get to hear some decent presentations. :-) My schedule and finances don't permit the trip this year, but maybe next.

  20. Leaving a comment

    Favorite thing about SBL? Connected with PhD students who are further along in their programs than me, and hearing about their experiences.

    Shared on Twitter:

    Already follow the blog!

  21. Anthony once tried to spike my beef stew, and I almost let him. Or was it my vindaloo? Either way. Good times.

  22. I don't know what SBL is. It has to be Southern Baptist something or other.

  23. I follow the blog

  24. Shared on Twitter

  25. This would be a good resource for my interaction with Muslims like my Iranian friend who didn't know which of the four bibles (he meany the four Gospels) the Vatican had approved for Christians in Iran to use.

  26. I would be fascinated to see what he has done in the way of revisions. Have read some of the material he has published about it since then, and I imagine he has done some clarifying of points.

  27. Does also posting on Facebook get me a second entry in the draw? :-)

  28. Looks like an excellent read !

  29. Sold most of my theological and biblical books years ago when we joined the Foreign Service. A nice free book might get me started again.

  30. Tweeted:

  31. Facebook'd:

  32. I had zero drinks with Anthony Le Donne at last year's SBL.

  33. what is the title of the icon on the cover?

  34. Following the blog.

    I haven't been to SBL (yet), however, if I were, I would be happy to drink a couple of beers with Anthony Le Donne ;)

  35. Commenting hoping this is still open.

  36. Following the blog.

  37. Lastly, I've never been to SBL so I've had zero drinks with Dr. Le Donne.

    I hope I understood correctly that these were meant to be separate comments.

  38. I'd love a chance to win the book.

  39. I hope to attend SBL this year, and I'll buy you a drink whether I win the book or not

  40. See some of you at BNTC —

  41. I do hope I will not win because there is not enough space on my bookshelf...

  42. Limited budget. Cannot purchase!


  43. Loved the first edition. Looking forward to the second. Will surely share on Facebook!

  44. Just subscribed. I thought the First Edition was a masterpiece.

  45. Just subscribed to the blog. I thought the First Edition of "Jesus and the Eyewitnesses" was a masterpiece.

  46. Posted on Facebook.

  47. Favorite thing about the SBL: watching people. Bible scholars are fascinatingly idiosyncratic.

  48. Btw, I don't know how to read, but maybe if you give me a free book, I will be encouraged to learn. Thanks.

  49. I look forward to reading the new edition soon, whether by this route or another!

    1. And, as I meant to say in the earlier comment, this post has been shared on Facebook!

  50. Some of the things that I like about SBLAM are the ETC Blog dinner, U of Bham Breakfast, meeting people, of course 'da'books'....and maybe listening to a few papers along the way.
