Friday, February 26, 2016

Cargill's The Cities that Built the Bible

This beauty came in the mail today and I couldn't be more grateful. I am presently working on the significance of polis (city-state) culture in identity construction and I am finding Cargill's chapter on Athens especially helpful. Run do not walk to get your copy!



  1. I figured out late in early adulthood, that cities and towns were where civilization and culture came from. That's where all the people were, who knew how to work together in complex cooperative enterprises. The civil life; civilization.

    So if we posit a corporate or institutional author for Christianity,city residents, cities like Damascus, Antioch, Alexandia, and Rome, are sometimes presented as likely authors.

    Like Athens, etc.

    So yesterday I spent some time listening to Fiona Apple. Her biography insists that Apple was the real middle name of this archetypical New Yorker chanteuse. Who was born in Manhattan in 1977. Though I suppose she could also have been named for Steve Jobs, or the Beatles corporation.

    Still, her songs feel mostly like the gray caverns of Manhattan.

    1. The "Big Apple" of course.

      At one time, people were often named for the cities they came from.
