Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Jesus among Friends and Enemies - Le Donne

Every year when I'm finalizing my syllabus for a NT or Jesus class, I'm impressed again at how great this book is: Jesus among Friends and Enemies by Chris Keith and Larry Hurtado. I am so very grateful that this book exists. It allows me to introduce the Gospels and Jesus studies simultaneously. The introduction by Chris Keith should be required reading for every seminary student. The essays by Stuckenbruck, Bauckham, Carter, et al. are guaranteed to open up new worlds of meaning for my students. I look forward to these class discussions every year. Really, I feel honored to have been included in the table of contents. If you teach a Gospels or Jesus class, do yourself a favor an pick up an exam copy.


1 comment:

  1. Recently, Larry has made some concessions and even significant contributions, to my interest in the Greco-Roman side of Judaism. Hopefully for my own part, I'll be able to work cooperatively with others.
