Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Upcoming Changes (and Not) for Me and St Mary’s—Chris Keith

As something of an explanation for why I have not posted a lot on the Jesus Blog here lately, I wanted to update readers that here very soon my family and I will be moving from London back to the US.  Fortunately, I am not leaving St Mary's University, Twickenham.  I will keep my posts as Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity and Director of the Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible (CSSSB), and thus will continue working with my colleagues in the Centre, Prof Steve Walton and Prof James Crossley.  Our conferences and PhD supervision will roll on as normal, and I will frequently be in London.  I know that trading London for Kentucky isn't necessarily the most logical thing to do.  But this move to the US is due both to family matters and the desire of St Mary's to have a greater presence in the US.

Among many others, one upside to this move is that I will be able to visit US PhD students on site, in addition to meeting together in London at least once a year, at conferences, and over Skype.  If you're in the US and interested in doing a PhD in New Testament non-residentially at St Mary's, working with Prof Crossley and me (Prof Walton will take on new students in Fall 2016), please get in touch with either of us.  In addition to coming to see us, we will now be coming to see you!  Of course, if you're interested in doing a PhD residentially in London, get in touch also!


  1. So, you're making the best of both worlds and moving to London, Kentucky? :-)

    1. Already been there! Both sides of my family are from London, KY! I won't be relocating there now, though I may take a road trip there for Weaver's hot dogs.

  2. there is always London, Ky...or maybe Paris, Ky... Sounds like good news for all parties involved. Congrats!

  3. Congrats Chris! Time for a private jet to facilitate the commuting???

    1. I thought I might just ask to borrow your jet, Cor!

  4. A wise professor that keeps the balance between solid scholarship and solid family bonds ...
