The registration page is now active for the Life of Brian Conference at King's College, London in June. I've registered and am really looking forward to it. Just look at the scholars lined up to speak: Joan Taylor, Martin Goodman, George Brooke, Richard Burridge, Bill Telford, Philip Davies, James Crossley, Helen Bond, Aaron Rosen, Steve Mason, Paula Fredriksen, James Dunn, Guy Stiebel, Katie Turner, Amy-Jill Levine, Bart Ehrman, Adele Reinhartz, and David Tollerton. There's also a mention of "mystery guests" on the program, and the word on the street is that some of the Pythons might themselves be there. You can find all the information and regristration
I just posted this to the webpage for my Bible and Film class. Life of Brian is one of the two movies they could discuss for their next assignment, so I thought it might be interesting for them to see that 34 years after its release scholars remain fascinated by the movie.