Friday, November 1, 2013

Jesus, Death, and Taxes: My Review of Killing Jesus - Le Donne

Jesus, Death, and TaxesMy review of O'Reilly's Killing Jesus for the Los Angeles Review of Books is now posted. Linked here.

"Set against this Sallmanesque portrait of Jesus, almost every person associated with Rome is painted with a black hat. Caesar Tiberius has created a depraved society from the top down. The “moral depravity of Tiberius cannot help but seep into the fiber of even the most far-flung province, causing an erosion of discipline and justice.” Thus the authors apply a large dose of pop psychology to Tiberius and set Jesus in a country choked by evil." 


Anthony Le Donne (PhD) is the author of The Wife of Jesus: Ancient Texts and Modern Scandals.