Monday, September 30, 2013

May God Remember: Memory and Memorializing in Judaism

I got my Jewish Lights catalog in the mail today and saw this intriguing title. Here is the description:
May God Remember 
Through a series of lively introductions and commentaries, over thirty contributors—men and women, scholars, rabbis, theologians and poets, representing all Jewish denominations—examine the history and ideas behind Yizkor, the Jewish memorial service, and this fascinating chapter in Jewish piety.
Featuring the traditional prayers—provided in the original Hebrew and a new and annotated translation—this fourth volume in the Prayers of Awe series explores the profound theological questions at the core of this service and our own humanity: What happens to us after we die? Is there really an afterlife? Does our fate after death depend on the goodness with which we have pursued our earthly life? And more.

Planning to pick this up soon.


1 comment:

  1. I always take it as a warning when a book lists its author's academic credentials on the front cover.
