Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stephanie Banister, "Haram," Jews, and Jesus - Le Donne

Stephanie Banister, 27, Australian politician, not well versed in current events.Thank you Australia for making me feel a bit better about America's general ignorance of world religions. Yes, it's just schadenfreude, but it's schadenfreude that made me laugh hard several times. Islam is a country. Muslims are under the strictures of "Haram." And Jews (who have their own religion) follow Jesus Christ. 
See the synopsis of her explanation of Islam, Judaism, and Jesus here. The Daily Show's John Oliver provides exegesis here. It really is worth watching the Oliver clip.



  1. It's like watching a car crash. You don't want to see it, but you can't turn away.

  2. Skip to 4:15 on the second link to see Oliver's commentary on the Banister gaffes.


    1. Skip to 4:15 on the second link to miss 4:15 that brought joy to my heart.

    2. Yes we Aussies are very proud of our NT scholars,even more so about how well the general populace grasps the intricacies of the field,and it's great to see such issues brought into our public discourse during our election campaign.

    3. Thanks Peter.

      Of course, you know that I appreciate the humor of this out of my own pain as an American.


  3. We do have some comedy gold readily available in our political lineup this year. That woman takes the cake though.
