Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Comfort with Ambiguity - Le Donne

After reading this really interesting article, (for which I must credit Dan Melligan), I thought I would ask:

In biblical studies, is it a virtue to be comfortable with ambiguity?


  1. I certainly think so. But then, I'm no doubt biased since one of my teachers in grad school was Walter Brueggemann:

    "Standing before this people who fear and yearn, the preacher/liturgist may take note of the fact that in our desperate, fearful society, most people have few occasions for such liminality, for hosting ambiguity where God's newness is given." - Texts Under Negotiation,91

    In biblical studies, if we desire to rush to quickly to get comfortable with the text (or worse, to make others comfortable with us!), why are we involved with this stuff in the first place? Might as well quit and chase the summer around the world and surf 'til the eschaton (which is actually, quite tempting).

