Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Jesus Blog is Now Even More Nerdy - Le Donne

I'm not quite sure what a biblioblogger is or how one joins this coven of ubernerds, but it seems that this here blog is now considered among the top 20 biblioblogs.

I would like to thank my agent, Snuffy Hoggeltweinschaefer; my parents, Gary and Patty; my taxidermist, Little Burt; my co-blogger, Chris Keeth; and Jim West's cat, Mr. Darcy. Finally, I would like to thank Jesus and Al Gore for making the internet possible.



  1. For historical context, you might have a look at Jim Davila's "What Just Happened? The rise of 'biblioblogging' in the first decade of the twenty-first century", presented in 2010 at SBL.

    On another note, is there any relationship between your taxidermist and Jim West's cat?

    1. Little Burt and Mr. Darcy have not met.... yet.


  2. Replies
    1. I figured that if you could make up my nationality in your last carnival, I could make up your cat's name. That said, I would be proud to be an honorary Canadian.


  3. wonder if this is connected to your poll?


    1. Well, for the record, I'm against child sacrifice. I really had no idea that this poll would become as interesting as it has.

