Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baker Academic's Blog

Baker Academic is proud to launch a new blog in an effort to encourage conversation within the academy and Church as an extension of our publishing program. Our goal has always been to further the pursuit of knowledge and understanding within the context of Christian faith. It is our hope that the Baker Academic Blog will serve this goal faithfully by providing a new venue for our authors and readers to express ideas and think critically.

The Baker Academic Blog will feature author interviews, book announcements, promotional videos, original posts by our authors, and the occasional giveaway. In its inaugural week, look for a post by Gordon Wenham on the importance of the Psalms, an interview with Craig Keener about his book Miracles, and a giveaway of some of our books recently featured in several “Best of the Year” lists. In the coming weeks the blog will feature original posts from J. R. Daniel Kirk, Patrick Gray, and Bruce Fisk as well as interviews with James K. A. Smith, Helen Rhee, and others.

Visit the Baker Academic Blog at http://blog.bakeracademic.com.

You can also follow us on Twitter (@BakerAcademic) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/BakerAcademic).


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