Monday, December 3, 2012

The Virgin Birth?

Over at Near Emmaus, Brian suggests a few ways and resources to think about the birth of Jesus this Christmas.

Also, let me congratulate him on the new look for the blog!



  1. Thanks for the mention. Funny, I recommended the series of post of dissertation ideas a few minutes ago ( ). People are going to think we have some sort of blog partnership going!

  2. We don't? I thought you were going to name your next daughter after me?!


  3. I need a first daughter before I can have a "next" daughter, right?!

  4. So did I read that right, that a historian is as limited to a naturalistic narrative of events as much as a scientist who limits himself to a naturalistic explanation of things? A historian can only say, "The witnesses said there was a miraculous event," but not, "There was a miraculous event"?
