Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Sincere Apologies for My Insensitivity Yesterday - Le Donne

It is 7am in Berkeley, California. The doomsday-prophets are still fast asleep and I am enjoying a lovely Pike's Place Roast at the Double Tree Hotel on the marina. As I await a meeting with a publisher, I can't help overhearing this story on the lobby television. Yes, folks. There just might be DNA evidence for Sasquatch in Texas.  It seems that they even make Texas-sized humanoids in Texas these days.

After blinking in disbelief at the television (really fun to see this story reported by a guy in a suit and tie, attempting to sound erudite), I remembered that I wrote a post, just yesterday, insulting this DNA-challenged community.  Indeed, here in Berkeley, we don't take kindly to such insensitivity.  You can image my shame.

I would like to express my most sincere apologies to the Sasquatch community.  By lumping you fine people in with chupacabra and Bill Craig, I demonstrated my ignorance and hasty tendency to label.... wait, it has just occurred to me that my post might have also been insulting to Bill Craig. Oh geez! What if he turns out to be real too?  First the Shroud, now Big Foot!  Really, anything is possible at this point.  Oh, America, how I love thee!


  1. Good thing the *posts* are not moderated by an anonymous third party! This blog could be a lot less fun.

  2. You're in the People's Republic to secretly interview for the open post of our head football coach? (A.B. '76)

  3. Now North Korea is getting in on the mythical fun:
