Saturday, November 24, 2012

I can take a hint...

What does it say about me that I cannot even give my books away?

If you entered the last book drawing, please see this link.



  1. Sorry. I bought a copy. Would you rather give me one? :-)

  2. I didn't enter because I thought I should let others have a shot. But if they aren't claimed, please hold another giveaway and I promise to both promote it and participate in it! :-)

    1. I do believe that another give away is in order; all will be invited sans Jim.


    2. And such is the kingdom of heaven ;)

  3. It says that everyone who wants one has one. That's a good thing!

  4. I entered the last drawing, but didn't get picked.

  5. For one unusual perspective - I don't submit my name for winning free books of any type after I realized what a mess it is to keep up with them all in order to claim their value as income on my taxes... It's worse with "Early Reviewer" books at LibraryThing(they're legally been declared to be worth $20 whether or not they're paperback advance copies of books that even in hardcover end up selling for much less) but dealing with the whole mess on my taxes last year has made me say no to submitting my name for much of anything just because I don't want the hassel... I mean do you claim the list price? Amazon's price? Amazon's price on what date? I'd rather buy the book or borrow it through Interlibrary Loan than to risk bringing the IRS after me for not claiming something properly...

    1. No kidding! I once took a free sample of some Starbuck's bakery product while waiting for my latte, and the IRS has been hounding me ever since. I mean, what IS the fair market value of a blueberry scone cut into 12 pieces? You can't just divide the price of the scone by 12, because there's LABOR involved, plus the cost of the little sanitary paper cup thingy that the scone piece gets placed into. Not to mention the smile I get from the barista when I accept her offer of the pastry -- what price can you put on a smile?

      Excuse me, but the black unmarked UN helicopters are flying overhead again, and I have to scream at them in Farsi to make them go away.
