Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Luther College to Offer a Class about Bible Blogging

There are many blogs about Bibling, but have you ever taken a Bible class on blogging? Luther College in Decorah, IA will be offering just such a class in the near future. Here is the course description:

Bible Blogging:The Internet is a medium that is unparalleled in its reach. Never before have average people been able to reach a global audience with such ease. Blogging has profoundly influenced not only the nature of the internet today, but also the nature of modern communication. While many may rightly point to the democratic nature of blogging whereby anyone anywhere with internet access can provide perspectives that challenge dominant and possibly oppressive views, blogging has also spawned much misinformation that is presented as “truth” and “facts”—especially misinformation associated with religion in general and the Bible in particular. This course will have two primary objectives: (1) to analyze a wide variety of religious blogs in an attempt to determine their objective and to assess whether they promote informed biblical scholarship or promote misinformation and uncritically examined beliefs, and (2) to teach students how to take what they are learning as a result of their own academic research and inquiry in religion to create a blog. Students will learn steps for setting up blogs and ways to use blogs, as well as design and content strategies.

The class will be taught by Guy D. Nave. Guy is an observer of the blogosphere, but not a participant. Until very recently, I could say the same thing about myself. So to my question: are there resources that an instructor for this kind of course should know about? If you were to teach or take a class like this, what readings, topics, and learning outcomes would you want to see? Your input will be greatly appreciated.



  1. You might want to correct your title. Luther College isn't the same as Luther Seminary. Luther Seminary is in St. Paul. Luther College, in Decorah, Iowa, is only undergrad. (It's my alma mater.)

    1. Thank you Lois, I've made this correction. My apologies!


  2. I just came across a very interesting chapter on Bible blogging in James Crossley's book:

    Jesus in an Age of Neoliberalism: Quests, Scholarship and Ideology

    I'll be review this book in the coming weeks.


  3. Bible classes on blog is a good concept. I will recommend my friends about bible blogging so that god words go to every corner of the world and bring peace all around.
    college search

  4. Do you if this will be one of their online bible classes? This is something I would love to learn more about if it was offered online. Blogging is something I would love to learn more about.

    1. Margo, I do not know this. You might try to find Dr. Nave's information on the Luther College webpage.

